The Southern Rite of Human Sacrafice

By | November 8, 2018

This rather unique article shine light on the history of lynching. Donald Mathews argues, “that lynching can be understood as a religious ritual, a symbolic act as pregnant with religious meanings as with political meanings.” Furthermore, the history if lynching is our course conversational, yet in order to have clear and honest debate about its significance in American history, it remains necessary to find the facts. They key findings from state that, “the demographics, economics, seasons, and politics of lynching were patterned and correlated statistically to establish trends.”


‘jnichols99’ seems to find the following findings important. “the demographics, economics, seasons, and politics of lynching were patterned and correlated statistically to establish trends” and “Just as a data visualization reveals the pattern of the points plotted more readily than it reveals the people behind those data points”. I also agree that this point of the article is key at bringing data to life, a trend we have seen in many other articles this semester. We continue to find interesting questions, highly clogged with disorganized data, hiding all important incite. And specifically relating to this historical context, it is necessary to bring some clarity to a topic with such historical relevance.

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